I met coordinator A... in the workroom where he was inspecting a Calycanthus occidentalis plant heavily infested with whitefly. The plant is native to California, called western sweetshrub or spicebush. It has large red blossoms. He put the plant outside in the rain until he decided how to protect it from the whiteflies. I asked him about his experiment with scale insects and the three types of predators he had purchased. Unfortunately he was not happy with the set-up of the experiment, the plastic bags were too wet causing the wasp predators to stick to the plastic rather than attach the scale insects. He also said the type of wasp was probably incorrect for our soft shell scale insects, and they are better suited for hard shell scale. Stephanotis vine Coordinator A... then assigned to me the task of cleaning and pruning a Stephanotis floribunda vine (Madagascar jasmine). The vine sits in a 12-inch pot on the sill of the workroom. The vine trails overhead along pipes and metal suppor...