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Trimming the trumpet plant

 Although the morning temperature outside was 44F, I was happy to cycle, given the relatively dry conditions. Rain was forecast for later today, but as I write no rain has fallen.

My ID card malfunctioned when I went to use it on the door lock to room 1C. Curator J was there to observe the attempt. He said he’d look into the sponsorship program to see if I’m still enrolled.

Coordinator A’s task list: trimming back a climbing vine on a white conduit pipe in 3C, and cleaning plants in 2C. In particular the white trumpet plant (Brugmansia suaveolens), this plant has a number of pests on its large leaves including white fly eggs, scale, and mealybugs. The plant is to let the plant finish its flowering, then cut down the main trunk and allow the smaller trunk to grow up. This will contribute to the reduction in the biomass in room 2C. 

Brugmansia suaveolens (Brazil’s white angel trumpet)
